In honor of Washington's birthday

In honor of Washington's birthday, I will share with you three helpful hints.

1. A very hungry bunny does not differentiate between food and the hand bringing the food.
Neither does the other hungry bunny.

2. A Sharpie marker which gets uncapped in the dryer leaves interesting designs.

3. There is an easier way to put risers under a bed than the way which requires military-like tummy crawls, lifting with one foot while balancing with the other, and straining your back. I'm not sure what the easier way looks like, but I know it is out there.


Avido said…
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Avido said…
If you are wondering, I asked a really obvious question that I answered myself about 2 seconds after posting it......maybe that comes from doing so at this time of morning....I think I am going to bed. Sorry about the fingers :(
slowlane said…
Comments that ask obvious questions are forgiven at any time of day, but especially between the hours of midnight and 7 am.
sarah marie said…
your last helpful hint reminds me of dorm days... re-arranging furniture. :)

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