I Was Here

Check out the new poll feature in the side bar!

This makes one more way that you can carve your initials in the cement. Of course, the cement will change periodically, but that just makes it more fun!

Happy opining!


Brian said…
Well, I voted for the cup of coffee, but I was also going to vote for the cat, and I didn't see an option for other multitasking passtimes that sometimes butt in. I think your poll needs an "other".

Speaking of polls (and cats), over at the kittenwar site, Pogger & friends are edging towards their 2000th battle, with a won-loss-tied record of 67%/27%/9%. I think the girls are resting on their press-clippings, though: arn't any of them in competition form if they had to take the picture today.

lasselanta said…
But it's not coffee. It's tea.

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