
My chiropractor now sees me more regularly than friends and family. (Maybe I need to change the heading on the sidebar here to "Family, Friends and Chiropractors.) I walk into the office, she pokes around, gushes about how out of place my neck is and, after what sounds like a 21 gun salute, she sends me back to work.

All this to say, I have become very aware of the strange feeling of things not being quite right. Something, somewhere is out and things cannot be normal.

Today was like that, only I'm not just talking about my spine. Today was the sort of Monday that gives Mondays a bad name. It wasn't just the irate caller who called half a dozen times and gave bad days to half a dozen people, all the while hoping to reach me. And it wasn't just the project I waved good-bye to a year and a half ago that suddenly showed up on my desk with urgent flags. Nor was it the summer morning that required me to pull my sweater tight as I walked into work or the chance walk-in that sent people scrambling in five departments. There are a lot of things that it wasn't, but I'm not quite sure I could tell you what it was. Nor, I suppose, could any of the several others I talked to who all remarked on the crazy-weirdness of the day.

Maybe if we found the right sort of chiropractor, he would poke around and point out where things were seriously off-kilter, apply his expert touch and send us back to work, better aligned.


caedmonstia said…
Sounds like you need to start doing ballet.

It doesn't get rid of bad Mondays, but it does wonders for your back and neck!


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