Thoughts on Self Image

Broaching Old Age

There was a time when I thought only old women wore brooches (maybe it is because it is such an old fashioned sounding word?).

But friends, not only did I buy myself a brooch, I actually wear it!

I must be getting old.

Too Close

By default I was chosen to model for the upcoming newsletter that will feature my department. It is a good thing that typically pictures in the newsletter are only a couple inches big. I say this only because I don't want people the world over to be able to count how many mustache hairs I have.

Young Lady
In a call today someone referenced a young woman they are seeking to help. Throughout the call, I also called her such. Turns out she is older than I am. Maybe if I keep calling her the "young lady" it will combat the fact that I am wearing a brooch.

"Honey, I need you"
Sorry to disappoint, but those are not the words of my SOS (Significant Other, Sweetheart) but the words of a co-worker who misplaced her toolbar. Funny thing is, the tone used to say "honey" rather reminds me of a how a six year old might sound saying "Mom, Billy won't share his toys with me." I have to fight the impulse to pat her on the head and suggest a nap until she can come out and play nicely. I make myself remember she is twice my age.

But she never wears brooches.


serapio said…
I have decided that these secrets are quite satisfactory. The brooch secret was very surprising, and the mustache hairs is good fuel for teasing. I eagerly await future secrets revealed!
caedmonstia said…
Ah-hah! You have given me an idea of how to look older. It's hard to feel very old when everyone here tells me they think I'm 18 or 20. Some people might think this would be positive, but it's hard to be taken seriously when everyone thinks you are still in your teens. "Honey, you got married so YOUNG!", they say.

Anyway, if my sister, who is 5 years younger, is wearing a brooch, what am I doing without one?!?!?

I guess I could dye my mustache hairs a darker color, too...
Unknown said…
well, i think old is the new young.

i thought for a while that i would get you a brooch instead of a pendant... they looked so shiqui, maybe i should have. i think brooches look haughtt on the lapel of a woman's business suit jacket.
Vicki Carroll said…
Man! I'm always out of step! When I was young I looked older, now that I am Old(er) I keep trying to look young! How does one wear a brooch on a T-shirt?

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