Stay Calm

One of my co-workers found a little "Panic Button" which she brought into work. When you push the image, two animated voices, in increasing frenzy shout "Stay calm... stay calm... PANIC!!!!!"

So far, everybody who has seen it (and heard it) has loved it.

Except for me.

And so far, everybody who has seen it (and heard it) has wanted to push it again to better distinguish the words.

Except for me.

And so far, everybody who has seen it (and heard it) has wanted to push it again to show it to someone else.

Except for me.

Repeat observation two and three. In. An. Endless. Cycle.

Any minute now, someone is going to push it and the animated voice in my head which I have tried to muffle will shout in ever increasing frenzy "Stay Calm, Stay Calm, PANIC!"


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