Penny Wise and Pound Foolish

I have a bad propensity towards being penny wise and pound foolish. Every once in awhile, as a sort of penance or self-instruction, I play a game with myself where I exaggerate the tendency towards its ridiculous end. Observe:

The Penny:

A while back, SOS and I found among our plastic bag stash the perfect bag to line our bathroom trash can. It fit so perfectly that while our usual habit is to empty the trash by pulling out the bag, we could not bring ourselves to throw out such a perfectly suited bag. And the worst of it is that we didn't know where we had picked it up! So we just used the dump method rather than the "bag it and toss it" method. But finally, as all things must come to an end, we sadly bagged our last trash with the perfect liner and exited it stage left.

The Pound:

We discovered where we found the perfect trash bag: the hobby store. Look! We can get free trashcan liners perfect for our needs. We just need to make a small purchase at the hobby store!



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