Miscellaneous Thoughts, Part 2

Here I continue a hodgepodge of thoughts related to our vacation in the South Pacific.

(Read Part 1)

3) The capital of the Cook Islands, is Rarotonga. But Rarotonga is not the name of a city. It is the name of the island. I'm not aware of any other place which has that distinction. Anyone care to correct me on this?

4) The island of Rarotonga is the weirdest mix of first, second, and third world characteristics I have ever seen. Chickens roam wild all across the island, and it is not uncommon to have a pig hanging out in the road where you intend to travel, something you would think to see only in developing nations. But contrast that with every grocery story using environmentally friendly bags for purchases: only high-end stores in California manage that. Or consider the somewhat rudimentary system for bringing heated water into the house and then remember that nearly everyone owns a washing machine. Only main roads are paved, but most everyone owns a vehicle. Perhaps this mix was the most disorienting aspect of our time in the Cook Islands.

Check back tomorrow for one more day of miscellany.


Anonymous said…
I wonder if the things like the shopping bags and the washing machines relate to the wider cultural importance of fabric and the alternative economies wrapped up in women's wealth. - otheous
slowlane said…
Since the environmentally bags are degradable, I'm wondering if it has more to do with the island's need to keep their trash to a minimum. And you are probably right about the washing machine bit.

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