Tuesday, July 3: Unplugging

It's Tuesday. I've been without my phone for a week and a half and I still check my pocket to see whether I just felt my phone buzz.

I was curious how long it would take before I stopped reaching for my phone. It is such a habit.

The good news is that CutieBabyBoy hasn't asked for a movie since getting off the airplane. That is the largest time he's gone without asking for a movie since... um... he could say "please".

Our house comes with a TV, but there is only one TV station and it is conveniently mounted on a wall so that not even our expert button pusher has realized how to turn it on.

Instead, he contents himself with the radio. Oh, and the tape deck. He likes opening the tape deck and putting his fingers inside while he pushes the buttons with his other hand. I'm partially worried that he might break it, but I remember the simple pleasure of watching the inner workings of a cassette player move and I can't quite bring myself to prevent my son from knowing that same joy.  And seriously, how many other chances may he have in life to study this relic?

The other day in our exploring of town, we walked by an internet cafe and I was so tempted to send SOS in to check all of our lines of communication. Why send SOS and not do so myself? Maybe it seems less like cheating.

Whatever the reason, I resisted and have proved to myself that it is still possible to unplug for two weeks. Next up, an exercise upon returning home: proving to myself that just because my phone is in my pocket, I do not need to check it every time I think I feel it buzz.


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