The Eighty-Fourth Day of Winter

CutieLittleBoy desperately wanted to play outside today.

It's only 11 degrees, and there is no way I was going to take feverish BabyMyBoy and world-is-coming-to-an-end SmilesBabyGirl outside in this weather. I assumed CutieLittleBoy would go out and be back in a matter of five minutes, but he's gotten used to playing outside during his school day recesses. The policy in these parts is that as long as it is not in the middle of a storm, if it is above zero degrees outside, recess will continue as normal.

Many times in my life I have been grateful from the most inner core of my being that I never am required to have school yard duty. Winter in Wisconsin takes that gratitude to depths I didn't even know existed.

When CutieLittleBoy came back inside, he had twin red spots on his cheeks. A few hours later they are still there. Time to slather him up with whatever skin goop he'll allow.


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