A new kind of babysitting

Today I baby sat an 18 year old. I've done something similar for a 42 year old child before, so I thought there would be no surprises.

And there weren't, except for the cheese ball and chocolate covered raisins for lunch and the near strangling of a passer'sby child.

I'm not sure if my heart has quite gotten back to its normal two step yet.

The two of us had been out on the town for two hours and nothing alarming had happened. We wandered through a book store where she pulled out lots of kid's books, flipped through them and put them back on the shelf and because there had been so little cause to worry, I figured going to Walmart would be an okay stop to make.

And it would have been, if it hadn't been for this mother and child who passed us on our way in.

"Baby!" said my charge.

"Yes, there's a baby. Come on, let's go inside..." I looked over my shoulder to make sure she was right behind me and she had her hands wrapped around the baby's neck.

I squeaked out her name and she pulled the baby towards her to kiss him on the head.

I squeaked again and finally worked up enough air to get her attention and scold her for touching the baby.

I'm sure my eyes were apple pie wide when I appologized to the mother, but fortunately, she didn't look as alarmed as I felt.

Maybe she was just too stunned to comprehend what had just happened.


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