Safe driving

For the last several days I have been trying to decide if I am a safer driver when I drive an automatic or manual transmission.

In an automatic I am less likely to stall with cars lining up behind me.
But I am more likely to talk on my cell phone while driving.

In a manual I am less likely to reach freeway speeds (or even slowlane, slowville freeway speeds) by the time I reach the freeway.
But I am also less likely to speed.

In an automatic I am more likely to come to a complete stop at a stop sign.
But I am also more likely to get impatient with other drivers.

Hm... Tough call.

I just hope all of you are remembering to add five minutes to your estimated commute time. With me driving the little pick-up, I'm sure everyone's commute time has increased.


I find that driving an automatic improves my disposition (which my offspring claim could do with some serious sweetening). With an automatic, I have a much more laid back attitude because an automatic is essentially less exciting to drive than a manual. If I drive a stick shit (and I did so for many years), the temptation to go zoom, brrrroooomm brrrroom, screech, is almost irresistible. I think that you should make the decision when you equally competent at both types.

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