Making Beds

Several years ago I read a book on house cleaning where the author claimed that the good house keeper should be able to make a bed by circling the bed only once.

I've made many beds since then, of many different sizes, and the only bed I was able to accomplish that feat with was a doll bed which only had one blanket. On a good day with a normal mattress, I have to circle once for the fitted sheet, once for the top sheet, and once for each of the blankets and comforter. On a bad day, the mattress pad and fitted sheet pop off of the corner adjacent to the one I'm working on, preceding me all around the bed as I attempt to anchor it. On a bad day, the top sheet and each of the blankets will not land evenly and so I go from one side to the other, pulling to even things out.

Maybe the author was a relation of Mary Poppins.


And maybe the author was a liar. Or at least a guilt-inducing-Martha-Stewart-wannabee. As someone who as a student nurse made a largish number of beds, I can tell you that no bed can be properly made by circling it once... unless you happen to be waving a magic wand at it as you go.

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