Rent a Kid

I think there must be a market for renting kids.

Just imagine, you want to go on a walk. You don't want to look like your car broke down. You don't want to look like you are too lazy to run. You don't want to worry about pooperscoopers as you walk behind a dog.

The obvious solution is to rent a kid.

Or, rather, rent a kid that can sit in a stroller as you push it in front of you on your walk.

Now, you may wonder why you should go through the bother of renting the child when you could just rent the stroller and pretend there is a child inside, but there is always the chance that you will walk by a curious seven year old who will ask "Do you have a baby in there?"

And, as everybody knows, if your life can't pass the inspection of a curious seven year old, something is wrong.

Which provides us with another reason for why you might need to rent a kid.


serapio said…
oh, i see. you put the kid in a stroller! i was imagining a kid in one of those harnesses, pulling you forward as they try to catch the squirrels and sniff every tree trunk.

fyi: my word verification is 'mwdapek', fairly pronounceable even if it doesn't quite follow English phonotactics. i recommend we give it a proper meaning and incorporate it into casual usage. any ideas of a good meaning?
slowlane said…
I think that word probably means that cold-down-in-your-bones feeling that you get after sitting on a cold rock or piece of cement.

My word verification is "xkbayu" which is probably some term for New Orleans post hurricane.
Elena Johnston said…
Just make sure that you put the child in a stroller, or at least a carrier of some sort. Taking a walk with a baby in your arms is a sure way to make everyone stare at the crazy lady who keeps talking to her dolly. Because, of course, nobody would ever simply carry a real baby...

btw, my word is yyqtenlv. Quite lovely, in my opinion. Perhaps an exotic orchid?

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