Strange Bedfellow

It is a good thing that my bed is queen-sized, because for the last sevaral days, there has been a mountain of white taking up more than half of the bed. Part of the reason that it is still there is because I'm not sure I have the faith of a mustard seed to move it. You see, it is a wedding dress... a wedding dress that I need to make alterations on.

We have a lovely dining table. We have seated as many as 13 people at it before, but for the last couple days (ever since the Thanksgiving meal, actually) we have moved two chairs into the kitchen where we have taken turns sitting down to eat. That is because the makings of five vests for groomsmen are sprawled across the table.

I keep wishing I had a clipboard that I could attach to my waist so that everytime I thought of something I could note it down, but it doesn't seem that I can hang on to any particular thought long enough to jot it down. I suspect that some time around May I will suddenly remember what I have already forgotten.

When's trash day?

And how many people can sleep in a bedroom 10x14 feet?

And what do I do with a wedding dress that won't stay on its half of the bed?


Who will eventually wear this wedding dress?
slowlane said…
My soon-to-be sister in-law. The wedding is this Saturday. *cue rising panic*

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