Discussion Question

If the male readers of this blog could help me out on this question, I would appreciate it greatly:

How critical to your development were near death experiences and wounds earned by your study of the properties of momentum, gravity, and the juxtaposition of the two? Discuss.


caedmonstia said…
I am not male but I learned about fulcrums and levers when I split my chin open by sitting on the wrong end of a skateboard.

I credit this experience for my outstanding comprehension of physics and medicine.
Brian said…
Actually, if my memory serves me correctly, most of my wounds and near death experiences were earned trying to understand women. Gravity and momentum were fairly predictable.
Anonymous said…
HI, I have sort of "stumbled" across your blog and have enjoyed it greatly. To answer your old question about physical properties and near death experiences, I would have to say that my experiences were very important. The reason being the experiences proved that the said properties needed to be studied so that the the near death experiences did not become...well, let us just say that because of some small amount of caution learned you now have another answer to your question.

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