Mother in the Eyes of Another

Sometimes I receive a look that says "What kind of horrible mother are you?" Usually I get that look when one of my charges is lying in a tangled mass of limbs and scooter. I'm sitting calmly in the lawn chair making notes on my to-do list and the concerned drivers of cars going past slow to a near stop and make urgent pointing gestures towards the downed racer.

I haven't come up with a good way of letting the neighbors know that while it appears that there is a three year old dying on the front lawn, it really is a professional motorcross contestant hearing the wild cheers of the crowds for the recently executed stunt.

But then again, I also haven't come up with a good way of letting people know I'm not the child's mother. A mother is expected to say "thank you" when their child is complimented. Every one else can say "I think so, too." I frequently find myself wondering "Should I be the polite mother and say 'thank you' even though I have about as much to do with it as I have with the moon being beautiful or should I just leave this poor person with the impression that they have met the rudest mother ever?"

But sometimes I encounter people who think I'm an amazing mom..."I'm just so glad to see you out here with your kids, you know there aren't many moms these days who do that." Yes, um... thank you?


caedmonstia said…
I don't think you'd really be the rudest mother ever. Maybe just conceited or gloating. I personally get a kick out of people thinking that my godson is my son. Especially when they begin to note the physical similarities that make it impossible to mistake our related-ness.

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