The Suit

I typically do not wear a suit into the office.

Perhaps it is because I do not want to have to dry clean more frequently than every six months, but it is also because I don't like who I am in a suit. The minute that suit jacket goes on, I feel like I am trying to rise in the ranks of "Intimidating Women at Work".

Which is not a particular goal of mine.

And neither is it a goal of mine to be unrecognised, while wearing my suit, and mistaken for an auditor... which I'm not sure is a compliment.

(Auditor's are intimidating, aren't they?)

But it takes less work to figure out how to match a suit jacket with it's other half than it does to match two other items, and some mornings, I need an easy answer when I face the closet.

And maybe it is those same mornings when I really could stand to look a bit more intimidating. You know, to make my yawns look more business-like.


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