Vacation House

For the last almost two weeks I have been residing at what I affectionately call my Vacation House.

It comes with a dog, which I have not yet been able to call affectionately.

No, no. That's not quite true. It is hard to not think fond thoughts of a dog that leaps in the air for carrots. But this dog, as dogs frequently do, exhibits many of the horrible habbits of a dog. Bad breath... eating Grossness (yes, it needs to be capitalized) and then licking the entire kitchen floor... yech.

But I must say, a girl could get used to more space than a 9x10 room affords.

Of course, when it comes time to clean tomorrow for the return of those who call this vacation house Home, I may wish I had only 90 square feet of space to clean.


caedmonstia said…
Yes, eating Grossness can be disturbing. And I have never figured out why dogs like to lick the kitchen floor. Have you tried it?

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