Packing Thoughts

Packing is a strange beast.

I suppose you may all be tired of hearing my musings on packing, seeing as it comes up every time I pack... and I pack a lot. But if I must endure the trials of packing, you must endure the trial of hearing me muse on packing.

Take that in the nicest way possible for the circumstances... like maybe in a moving box.

Yes, packing is quite torturous to the indecisive person... and the wish-she-were-organized person... and the oops-I-meant-to-mail-that-four-months-ago person... and the there-is-two-inches-of-space-in-that-box-I-can't-close-it-and-waste-that-space person.

But on the other hand, now that I am packing, I am quite relieved that I didn't actually get around to dry cleaning all of my clothes because now I can pack them in a box and not worry about what wrinkles there will be when they come out. And I am happy for the opportunity to organize all of my miscellaneous important papers (Read: pull them out from the boxes and bags that were used to transport them last time). And really, what other time in my life will everything be as neatly boxed and... well, boxed as when I am moving?

But I say, I've raised the requirements on moving this time around. Last time I merely had to make sure that I could make it to work looking professionally on top of things. Now, as I pack my school books for the semester in a box, I must be realistic about when I will be able to access them again. Because what I learned when I unpacked my Christmas gift wrap the week after Christmas is that the expectations you have for unpacking may not lend itself to the best use of things.


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