Your primary learning style is:

One of the first assignments of my new program was to take an inventory of my primary learning style. I received the folowing results:

Your primary learning style is:

Visual/Nonverbal 36 Visual/Verbal 36 Auditory 24 Kinesthetic 24

I'm not exactly sure how to interpret that. Primary learning style: I don't have one!

The results continued on to say that I am balanced in learning styles, but I'm not sure that is a good thing. The tips for each of the learning styles for increasing your learning potential included using multi-colored highlighters to mark up notes and books and such. I don't like using highlighters. I find them distracting.

Even worse, I am sure that I was supposed to report my findings of this inventory on some discussion board somewhere, but I can't figure out where that is supposed to be. I guess maybe it is because I haven't been taught where it is visually nor nonverbally nor verbally nor auditorily nor kinesthetically.


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