The Hidden Costs of Education

Talk about hidden costs...

Tuition. Of course.

Books, yeah, that, too.

Parking. I guess.

Health fee? What? Maybe.

Student Center fee? Um...

Student Representation fee. Excuse me? Sounds like a silly tax. Keep an eye on your tea shipment, is all I have to say.

But what in the world is the "materials fee" for my computer class?

Time for a history lesson:

Several years ago a mistake was made in an order and the college recieved 30,000 (yes, that is thirty thousand) floppy disks. So every semester they give their computer students two disks and a disk container and charge them six dollars under "materials fee". They have enough disks to see them through 2007.

Too bad most computers don't even have disk drives any more.


caedmonstia said…
Doesn’t that just make you wanna ’Stick it to The Man’? You should write a rock song about it.

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