Personality Profiler

1) When you play with playdough, do you
a) mix all of the colors to see the pretty swirls
b) keep the colors separate
c) make your own personal selection of colors (muddy green, puke orange, moldy blue)
d) discover all of the places you can put playdough and judge the best place as the one that gets the most reaction (head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose...)

2) Do you perceive your younger sibling as
a) the most highly developed interactive play toy (Do this. Now do this. Ha ha. Look at him!)
b) the person who determines which toy you want to play with (No. You play with this. I want to play with that. No, I want to play with both of them now.)
c) a baby. Once a baby, always a baby.
d) the rival

3) Is your cat your
a) squeeze toy
b) squeeze toy
c) squeeze toy
d) squeeze toy

4) Is your ideal lunch
a) cold spaghetti
b) anything with ketchup
c) whatever takes the longest for someone else to prepare and the shortest amount of time to land it on the floor.
d) squeeze yogurt

5) You've just stomped through fifteen mud puddles, what do you do next?
a) Turn around and stomp through them again
b) Ask to be carried back
c) Complain about dirty hands and ask to wipe them on someone else's pants
d) Run through the length of the house before taking off your muddy shoes, socks, pants, etc.

* Please note: This highly complicated personality profile is in it's earliest stages of development. Reliable results are still forthcoming.


Joi said…
1) When you play with playdough, do you
b) keep the colors separate

2) Do you perceive your younger sibling as

c) a baby. Once a baby, always a baby.

3) Is your cat your
a) squeeze toy

4) Is your ideal lunch
d) squeeze yogurt

5) You've just stomped through fifteen mud puddles, what do you do next?
a) Turn around and stomp through them again
slowlane said…
The personality sorter results for joi: You are NOT A PAIN to babysit. Congratulations.
Anonymous said…
A reader from Cameroon says:

I have one option to add to your play-dough question.

e) instruct the nearest adult to make a monster (sea serpent, dragon, etc.) and then proceed to slay the monster with a plastic saw... and then casually hand the decapitated menace back to the adult with the instruction, "You eat it"

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