None of My Business

The problem with trying to portray a professional and business-like attitude is that then people think that you will operate like a business.

I'm traveling for nearly seven weeks this summer, and that is kind of hard to explain to my various clients who have grown used to counting on me every week and knowing that they can call me and I might be able to help them on fifteen minutes notice.

Maybe I should just say that I'm going on business trips.

I just hope that I still have my business when I get back.


Matthew Carroll said…
Methinks your life just shifted into overdrive and pulled out of the slowlane.

There was a time when children of well-about-town families used to be sent to Europe for the summer. Perhaps you could present this as a business venture, and next summer, you could prepare a fancy brochure with lots of glossy pictures and offer to supervise your charges on a tour of Europe. (You might have to charge more than $7.50/hr per child.)
slowlane said…
Seriously, I may need to change the name of my blog. I just looked at this month's calendar, and I will be fortunate if I make it out alive. Indeed, I may need to retire Snood.

Unfortunately, the idea of your business venture might be a little hard to accomplish since most of my charges are four years old or younger. That isn't really the age that parents send them off to Europe.

Although I will be accompanying a one year old to China, so I guess it could be possible.

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