11:30 PM

There are some things you hope to never discover at 11:30 PM. One of those things is the extreme brightness of a police issue flashlight shining in your eyes.

If this happens to occur while you are in your pajamas, falling asleep on the floor because it is an hour and a half past your bedtime and you cannot get to your room, all the more fun.


Elena Johnston said…
What happened? Is everything ok?
Matthew Carroll said…
This sounds like a job for....
International Communication Specialist!
slowlane said…
My roommates called the police in the middle of their domestic dispute. The police arrived while I was in the bathroom in my pajamas. Since they were standing in front of my doorway, I didn't really feel like waltzing by in my not-for-company pajamas, so I stayed hidden in the bathroom.

Policemen do not like it when they realize that someone has been hiding in the dark not 10 feet from them.

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