
For the last 17 years, Summer has always been that time of year between the last day of classes and the first day of classes.

Fall was August through December.

Spring was January through May.

Winter was some unknown legendary state: It went along with Santa Claus, who we all knew, of course, was a myth that some people tried to pass off as real.

The idea that these names actually had something to do with the weather and not the school year was slow in coming to me.

Since I didn't have the end of school to mark the beginning of summer for me this year, when summer arrived two days ago, I was forced to revert to my days before school. The first day of Summer was celebrated by getting soaked from the garden hose, playing in the mud, and spilling lemonade all over.


sarah marie said…
Your forced reverting to childhood brings back memories for me. :)

When I was a kid, as soon as the thermometer hit 80, we pulled out the little kiddie pool and filled it with water.

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