The Good Thing

The good thing about wearing a full skirt is that when your shoe catches on a snag in the carpet and you suddenly find yourself falling, you can rest assured that your full skirt will act as a parachute and momentarily hide your blushing face.


Matthew Carroll said…
Was that snag in the carpet in the conference room in front of your CEO? Or was it at home at the top of your staircase?

Here in Brazil during these World Cup days, I could probably get away wearing a full-length skirt (or even a micro-mini) as long as it was green and yellow.
slowlane said…
It was in my office in front of two of my co-workers.

And I don't think you could get away with a micro-mini green and yellow skirt even though you are a continent away from me.
sarah marie said…
The bad thing about wearing a full skirt that once, and only once, a gust of wind will somehow catch it from beneath and send you scrambling to push it down on all sides at once -- while you're talking with your senior pastor.

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