My Cubicle

My cubicle measures, approximately, five feet by five and a half feet. When my boss first introduced me to what was to become my domain, she apologized for the size, saying that she had wanted to put in a larger one, but unfortunately, her boss said it would violate fire code.

I've put my trashcan underneath my desk, but I think I may need to find another place for it, or else I need to get smaller feet.

My one cabinet houses the tower to my computer. The cord connecting the tower to the rest of my computer hardware is just short enough that I can't move my mouse or key board onto my desk, they must stay tucked under.

Today I had to reject a file because it wouldn't fit in my file drawer.

One of the guys came around distributing boxes of kleenex to all of us, and I couldn't accept one because there would have been no place to put it on my desk.

But this is all good news.

Because my desk is full of useless nooks and crannies, that means that I have lots of room to put knick knacks, momentos, and other chucheria. In that pocket of a cubicle, I have representations of, perhaps, 15 countries, from five continents. And what I want to emphasize to all of you, near and far, but especially far, is that I still have room for more.


Matthew Carroll said…
I'll send you corn leftovers from São João.
slowlane said…
Remember it has to be smaller than a kleenex box.
Damian said…
You can always blow your nose on a continent. I recommend Eurasia for a really big sneeze.

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