Oxygen Bar

I thought maybe an Oxygen Bar was a new type of energy bar, maybe put out by Oprah and her magazine.

And then I thought maybe it was a stick of cleaning stuff that you dropped in with your laundry or dishes instead of measuring out OxyClean.

But no, aparently it is the new "in" place to go. Hip youngsters come to an Oxygen Bar to be hooked up invalid-style with plastic piping against their nose, bringing them unpoluted oxygen.

Well, no, the unpoluted part isn't exactly true... it comes in flavors.


serapio said…
Oh please! Oxygen bars are so like, last decade!
slowlane said…
Well I had never heard of them before. Does that just emphasize the fact that I have been living in the slow lane for two years?
serapio said…
I suppose it might be that you've been living in La Mirada and Visalia, rather than Santa Barbara

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