Rabbit heaters

With the recent change in weather from blistering to cool 80's, I have shifted my focus from getting cool at any cost, to remembering where I hid all of my blankets. And along with thoughts of blankets, brings thoughts of rabbits.

I once remember reading the question "How many rabbits does it take to heat a three bedroom house?" or some such thing.

This of course got me thinking about how you can usually tell whether an animal is used to warm climes or cool by the size of their ear, since the more surface area of the ear, the longer blood has to cool off before going back to the warmth of the heart.

Which got me thinking about humans, who don't have very large ears at all (then there is also the question of why do human ears keep on growing? Does that mean that as you age you need more time to cool off?).

And then I considered the fact that humans lose the most heat through their head and their feet. So maybe, the bigger your head and feet are, the more you should head to a warmer climate.

And then that of course got me thinking as to how many people with big heads and feet you would need in order to heat a three bedroom house.

Probably significantly more than the maximum of two per bedroom mandated by law.

Oh well. Back to the drawing board.


caedmonstia said…
Hey is there really a law that there can only be two residents per bedroom? It must be different from Brazil. Here we have a minimum number of people allowed to a bedroom.

Also did you know you spelled rabbit wrong? The rabbit was getting cold without its second "b", so I am just letting you know so you can add it. Or perhaps, it was feeling rabid without its second "b", and you can soothe it by putting it back on.

Also, with the question about the rabbits and their usefullness as heating, is it talking about their poops and using them for fuel? That's creative thinking about energy, I salute it! My cat poops in the house, but it is too hot here to use the poop for heating. And the poop is sticky and hard to clean up, so overall I would say it is not an asset. Next time I will get a rabbit.
slowlane said…
I knew it was missing a "b" as soon as I turned off my computer. Thinking about that "b" actually kept me from sleeping for a whole five minutes while I contemplated whether I should turn on my computer to fix it.

Caedmonstia, I'm surprised at you for thinking that I would want rabbit p**p to burn as fuel to heat my house. You evidently have forgotten that I live in a p**pless world (oh, except when I'm babysitting, in which case I live in a p**p-filled world, or when I am cleaning up after kittens.). The whole reason I went on about ears is because it is the rabbit ears (when attached to a rabbit) that provides the heat. The warm blood comes from the rabbit heart and goes through the large floppy ears where it cools off and gives its heat to the air around it: ta da! More reliable than a radiator.
caedmonstia said…
In the Bible there is a recipe for a bread you can make over a fire made with poop. So if you live a poopless life, you will have to edit out parts of the Bible. Do you really want to do that?
slowlane said…
PLEASE, there are sensitive eyes who read this blog. I can't believe you just go ahead and write such gauche language.

Oh, and about the two residents per bedroom, in California, in order to rent a room, you cannot have more than two people per bedroom. That makes sense when you are trying to keep from having ten families living in a three bedroom apartment, but it does not make sense when you have a couple and a new baby.
caedmonstia said…
How about excrement? Human waste? Fecal matter? Do any of those words appeal to you? I do my best to be accommodating.

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