
Apparently, the illustrious town in which I live has an optimist club which gets a little bored. In order to curb this boredom, they plan stealth operations. These operations consist of borrowing the services of the police and watching the license plates of passersby. As soon as they spot an out of state license, they turn on the siren and speed after the car. The poor, frightened foreigner, once pulled over, is then greeted with a warm welcome and the offer to eat dinner here in town, curtesy of the optimist club.

I suspect that only an optimist club would think that this was the best way to welcome people.


Anonymous said…
Now what illustrious town might that be that you live in? It sounds like a winner. Why keep us in suspence when we might like to go and have a free dinner there? Or read the obituaries?

That's yet another reason why I have personally never been an optimist. Way too annoying.

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