Running life like a business

Someone recently suggested that I borrow a few techniques from business life for my own personal life.

Which techniques might those be?

Those of
A) keeping track of small victories
B) posting signs to communicate

For example, perhaps like McDonalds I should hang a sign that says "Over 99 Billion Served" (and no, I'm not talking about the 99 Billion ants.) I could merely count how many individual cat food pellets I pour out and I could reach the 99 Billion in no time.

Or perhaps like Walmart I could make T-shirts everytime I reach a record for length of time Accident Free. "Accident Free for three hours!"

Or, like those businesses in the midst of remodeling, I could say "Please pardon my dust, I am busy to serve you better."

But I wouldn't have to stop there. I could hand letter signs that say "Over 7,000 breakfasts eaten before lunch!" or "This chair reserved for associate of the month."

And I think I would get a great deal of pleasure if I could hang (or hand out) signs that say "Please watch your head" and "Mind the gap" and "We reserve the right to refuse anything to anyone."

But perhaps the most helpful sign would be "We accept tips."


caedmonstia said…
I thought maybe the person meant you should live life more like a business in that businesses make money.

I know, you're trying. ;)
slowlane said…
Earning money like a business? Now who would have thought that?

No, really, the person who suggested the idea suggested the "Over 99 Billion Sold" sign.

I suppose he could have had other ideas behind that suggestion. Like perhaps it would make me happy to always remember that I COULD be asking people if they would like to supersize their combo. Also, thinking about McDonalds food everyday would make me happy to just come and eat peanut butter and graham crackers and milk for every meal.

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