
Sometimes I get a glimpse of foreshadowing.

For instance, I am fairly certain that some day, while backing out of my parking spot at my apartment, I will go a wee bit too far and hit the yellow post positioned to keep people from hitting the fire hydrant.

This suspicion was heightened when someone else knocked it over. The good news being that now that it has already been knocked over once, it will do less damage to my car when I hit it.

You may think that this is unsightly pessimism rearing its ugly head, but there is a hole in the wall at work to prove otherwise.

And really, what good does optimism do in situations like this?

Answer: It gives you a dislocated side mirror.


serapio said…
So, sightly optimism ducked it's pretty head into the wall? and vandalized your mirror. This sounds like the protagonist has been framed. Foreshadowing, mystery, conflict, destruction -- I think you have the beginning of a good story.
slowlane said…
In the screen version of the tale, I'll let you direct the extras.

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