Pink Spiked Hair

I think it is time for me to cut my hair super short, die it pink, and spike it.

Not once, but twice recently I have been confused for someone else. Not your normal, garden variety "Oh, I only saw the back of you". No, this is "I sat right next to you, spoke to you, and I thought you, who I have known for months, were someone I have known years." Or, "I was in the middle of a hug with you when I realized you weren't who I thought you were."

The weird thing is, that I have met the two different women who I have been confused with. The only way we look similar, in my opinion, is that we have curly hair and glasses.

It really makes me doubt to new depths that we are at all very observant.

So like I say, maybe I should make it easier for people to see that I am me and not anybody else.

But then I guess I wouldn't really be me if I had pink spiked hair.


serapio said…
I think you should totally go for it. Refashion your brand identity.

I haven't cut my hair since leaving California, so I've been thinking I should get my hair trimmed. Maybe I need to consider what color to make it.

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