Laughing brooks, waves, birds singing, and wind through the trees

One previously unmentioned feature of the location of my desk is it's proximity to the company's server. There are approximately ten feet between my desk and the source of sounds not unlike a generator attached to a helicopter about to take off in a tornado.

About 15 feet from my desk is the company's paper shredder which sounds remarkably like a bad day at the dentist while installing new cabinets.

And can we forget about the monstro-copier that clangs metal against metal once for every page of a 15 page training manual for 60 people?

Now it is most wonderful that rarely do all of these chime in together. But sometimes this drilling, clanging, grinding, rumbling garage style band gets started and then, dear readers, I understand why a tree can fall in the middle of a forest and not make a sound.


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