High Point

When I was younger I dreaded the question "So what was the high point of your day?" And yet this question arrived with predicted regularity.

Even now I'm not quite sure why I found this question such a difficult one to answer. Perhaps it was the idea that there should have been a time when I experienced that euphoric feeling of standing on top of a hill, being able to appreciate the distance I had come and look forward to the adventures I could just begin to guess at ahead of me.

It might suprise you to read this, but I rarely experienced that in junior high and high school. More often than not, the happiest feeling I experienced all day was the satisfaction of finishing my math homework in class or getting to my lunch spot and finding that no part of my lunch was squished beyond what I would want to eat.

Which doesn't exactly make a good discussion on the seven minute drive home from school.

Since that time I've come to realize that "the high point" of a day doesn't have to mean the highest of high points. I probably could have managed a few more minutes of discussion about days where classmate Mr. Z (name always changed to prevent teasing) didn't ask me my opinion of Star Wars or when a teacher thanked me for being a nice enough kid that he and his wife didn't have to cross another name off their list of "Possible names to name the baby".

But more than that, I think I've grown to be able to talk about the nice points, or better, the happy points. Because while that blessed moment of turning off the alarm clock on Friday night wouldn't make the classification cut of "high point of my week", it is a sweet, sweet moment.

And something I look forward to all week long.


Avido said…
While I would agree about the alarm bit, for a male there are three definite standbys for high point of the day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Granted many times there are other things that were outstanding about the day, but if all else fails there are those three.

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