Turn the Page

If you haven't noticed, it is the first day of August. For many of you, perhaps you are dreading the need to turn your calendar page to reflect the current month. You may not even realize it, but out of all of the pictures to grace a calendar, August is nearly always the ugliest, least inspiring picture.

I should know. I check.

It happens to be a requirement of mine, before I buy a calendar, to check the image for August, as for me the year begins and ends in August.

I've never understood why this eighth month so regularly fails to inspire people in the calendar making business. Perhaps the reasons stated in this article explain some of it, but if there is such disdain for this month, surely a great way to spruce it up would be to give it a half-way decent picture for all 31 days.

Maybe when I am rich and famous I will commission calendar pages that are achingly beautiful and I will make them all for the month of August. Everyone will wish it were August year round.


Matthew Carroll said…
Could be worse. At least you weren't born in Adar Alef.

Matthew Carroll said…
Though you know, the author of that Slate article is right; August is the deadest month.

In the bookstore, many of our publishers offer huge incentives for us to place extra big orders for overstock in July so they don't have to hear from us in August.

And half our staff finds excuses to leave for Croatia or Uganda or somewhere.

I show up at work in August because I somehow need to get paid, but there's not much to do but sort through my In box and delete mail I forgot to respond to last November.

August should be taken out and shot. :-)
Vicki Carroll said…
But August is when one of my favorite people was born! And except for the fact that school starts way too early in August, August is not so bad. I'm very glad for my August baby!
caedmonstia said…
It's funny, I always thought that November had the ugliest calendar pictures. And the birthstone, too. I've lived my whole life pretending that Blue Topaz is my birthstone, when really it's yellow topaz, which looks like the color of pee-pee.

But I like August because there's lots of wind. And my favorite sister was born, too.
Vicki Carroll said…
So I guess we should be gearing up to celebrate Slowlane's birthday, making sure that no matter what the calendar picture looks like, there'll be a smile on her face some time around Aug. 22.
Elena Johnston said…
Whenever this baby decides to show up, more people in our immediate family will have been born in August than not.

Not to mention our August wedding anniversary.

August is a busy month.

But most of the special days come in the last half of the month, so I am really, REALLY hoping to procure an early August birthday to balance things out.

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