Silver and Gold

Today someone told me that I was poor.

Quite frankly, I was shocked. Me? Poor? Why in the world did this woman assume I was poor? Was it in how I dressed? How I acted? Should I have hidden my shock better when someone offered their daughter's discounted salon price to me so that it would only cost $50 to get my hair cut? Am I being stingy... is that why she assumes I'm poor?

But no, no. It is just that she doesn't know that out of all my sibs, I'm making the most money.

So to all of my beloved siblings out there.... thank you for making me rich!


serapio said…
np. :)

So why *did* she think you were poor?
slowlane said…
I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with the fact that I am living on one salary and paying my own rent.

But maybe I really ought to go find another pair of shoes or two that I can wear to work (that aren't falling apart) and another selection of business wear items so that she doesn't see the same things on me each week.

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