New Year's Resolutions

According to my long standing tradition, here are some New Year's Resolutions for all of my dear readers to accomplish during 2007:

1) Take on a secret identity to be nice to at least one person. (It's no coincidence that this is the year of 007, is it?)
2) Invent a contraption that looks normal but has all sorts of snazzy features. (Perhaps a coffee cup that also warms socks... or a toothbrush that doubles as a painting instrument.)
3) Build a bridge with q-tips.
4) Clean the popcorn out from under the seat in your car. (Hey, doesn't everyone have this problem?)
5) Comment on my blog. (Just once fulfills this resolution, but don't let that stop you. As a matter of fact, additional comments on my blog makes up for any failures in accomplishing the others. Don't let this great opportunity pass you by.)
6) Spend some time contemplating the construction of a spider web.
7) Create a time capsule for you to open on the next rainy day.


Matthew Carroll said…
Whew, well, it's never been easier to fulfill my resolutions.
lasselanta said…
Indulgences! Beware the blogosphere-flavoured indulgences!
Anonymous said…
I just want to tell you that you have the best blog I've read so far this year. Congratulations!

(Yes! Two done already!)
serapio said…
Number 4 is going to be a problem. Not only do I not have popcorn in my car, but I don't have any cars or popcorn anywhere!

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