Touchable Hair

Apparently I have achieved touchable hair.

But do not envy me, fair reader, for the commercials do not tell the truth.

Touchable hair tempts people into batting at the back of your head like a cat playing with vertical blinds.

Or to tug on a strand instead of saying "hello".

Or to stand and try and scrunch the rebellious strands so that they look more uniform.

No, no, I've never seen these scenarios in the commercials. But then again, that probably wouldn't sell any shampoo.


Elena Johnston said…
I've always wanted hair like yours. In fifth grade I actually tried to achieve it... the perm only took on half of my hair, but the damage took on every last inch of it, so I resigned myself to hoping for curly-haired children someday.

And now I do. And oh, they're adorable... after I'm finished painstakingly and painfully combing their hair, and filling it up with anti-frizz gunk.

serapio said…
Your hair has long been highly suitable for tugging on and batting at.
Vicki Carroll said…
So did you bat them back?

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