The Wrong End

I started at the wrong end of my Christmas shopping list this year.

About a month ago one of my co-workers gave me the warning that our department exchanged small gifts at Christmas.

I thanked her profusely for giving me the heads-up, and then added each person in our department to my "List of people to buy for". And for the last month I have kept my eyes open for that special category of gift that says "I don't really know you all that well, and I can't spend a ton of money on you, but I want you to know that I did think about you, and isn't this a cute gift I got for you?"

And since that category is oh, so very small, I put a lot of effort into finding seven such gifts.

Then the week after I had finished finding suitable gifts for everyone, they decided that seven people really was too many to buy for, and instead we will draw names and only buy for one.

And what I have to say about it is this: I hope those of you still on my "List of people to buy for" don't mind receiving a couple of cute gifts I just happen to have on hand. I happen to know that this set of earrings will look quite fetching as a cell phone charm.


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