Bunny Love Take 2

One of my co-workers came over for lunch today. Of course, as exciting as my trash-can-interfering-with-my-towel-drying show is, any real tour of my place includes Pepper and Jackie, of Bunny Love fame.

My visitor was ecstatic that I had bunnies. I mentioned, in passing, that I didn't think they got as much attention as they needed, and suddenly I was on the witness stand, asked to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

What I had to say only made my co-worker sad and so we sneaked a carrot to each rabbit before we went back to work.

Ten minutes later, everyone in our department knew about the poor, sad bunnies who didn't get enough attention. Suggestions were made about taking up a collection for their proper treatment.

An hour later, I was asked "What were the poor bunnies' names again?"

Two hours later I was offered a couple of carrots to take home.

And every time I walked by my lunchtime visitor, she gave me such very sad, sad eyes.

If I see someone sneaking around my house, I'm sure it will be her, intent on giving those bunnies just a hint of bunny love.


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