Where did I put my semester break?

When I was in school, I would start every semester with a long list of wonderful habits.

Usually, they lasted until the week before midterms.

But I knew not to panic too much, because I would just work on getting the urgent things done, and when the semester was over, I could catch up on the things that got left behind, and re-strategize for the next semester.

That worked okay for things like flossing my teeth and cleaning my room, and not quite so well for things like eating well and keeping track of where I spent my money. But that is what college life is like for everyone, so I didn't let it worry me.

But about a month and a half ago, all of the good habits I began when I first moved out on my own started deteriorating. Meals were only complete if I used a loose definition of the term. Keeping track of my expenses consisted of throwing whatever receipts I found at the pile on my bookshelf.

And that is when I started looking forward to my semester break. But I seem to have misplaced it. All I've managed to find is a day and a half for me to reset all of my good habits.

Maybe I'll find my semester break when I clean off my bookshelf.


Brian said…
You can do it! You can do it! Just 302 more entries by midnight to make an even 500 for the year. We're rooting for you.

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