
I don't know very much about investing. And that is probably why I have been having so much difficulty lately.

You see, I have a pair of shoes that I probably bought for $9.99 that I absolutely love. I guess you could say that they became "real" in the Velveteen Rabbit sense, but I didn't notice. It wasn't until my co-worker said "Those shoes look like you traveled the world in them" and I got half way through my list of countries where I had worn them that I realized that maybe I should consider them in a new light.

And yes, they look like the skin horse.

But I am almost positive that some quality time with a brown Sharpie marker will make them new again. But brown Sharpie markers aren't sold by themselves. You have to buy the pack of eight bold colors at $8.79. And even though my blue Sharpie marker turned the dryer into a Ferris Wheel, I really don't want to be burdened with an extra 7 markers than I need. (When your parking space is bigger than your living space, 7 markers takes up a lot of room.)

And that isn't the only investment question that plagues me.

I was given a fan that was bought at a garage sale for $5. It stopped spinning. I decided a can of WD-40 was a worthy investment to see if it could be fixed and it worked! That is until 3:30 in the morning when it once again, stopped spinning. Further examination seemed to prove that the only way to fix the fan (maybe) was to completely take it apart, clean all of the pieces and put it back together again. That requires a tool that I don't have.

Do I go buy a $15 tool set (where would I put it?) or do I just toss the fan and buy a replacement for $15?

Sigh. I don't remember being taught the answers for this in my high school economics class.


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