50,000 words

As most of you undoubtedly know, Blogger is sponsoring a write-a-thon for all of the wannabe novelists of the cyber universe. The idea is that during the month of November, the writer blogs daily and by the end of the month voila, s/he has a novel.

*cue bad pun about that being a novel idea*

Now naturally, one of the first questions that enters my mind is "Why November?"

Perhaps because November is the month where cold weather begins in earnest and so you spend most of it in doors.

Perhaps because November is 30 days long and so is an easy number for mathematician writers to calculate how many words per day they should write. (Yes, there are such things as mathematician writers. At least I think so.)

Or perhaps because November is the month of Thanksgiving and we can all give thanks that most novelists do not write an entire novel in a month.

Regardless of the reason, I encourage all of you to sit down and write that novel. Maybe it will turn into a best seller and, contrary to what some studies suggest, you could actually earn money with your blog.

(And when you do earn money on your best seller, remember me, the one who encouraged you to it. I'll even make a money card for the occassion that you could send to me.)


caedmonstia said…
I'm bummed for the people that have to read all the bad novels to find the best sellers. Just imagine having to read, for instance, everyone's month-long of daily blogging. Now that's tedious.

Unless of course it's my blog which happens to be by far the most interesting written material in existence, especially if you like goats and guessing games.
Elena Johnston said…
I do like goats and guessing games.
Joi said…
I'm actually attempting the 50,000 words!


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