Poor kid

So this little kid was crying tonight because someone stole his toy and because he was speaking in Spanish, I was called upon to figure out what was wrong, but because he was crying, I couldn't understand him and so we couldn't fix the problem.
Poor kid. I hope he isn't scarred for life.
I hope I'm not scarred for life.


Matthew Carroll said…
Poor Kid:
So I am sitting reading a portion of Acts for my Greek translation project and from the building outside my balcony I hear a "disturbance" and things falling down stairs. I went out on my balcony, and a young man and couple gals where throwing things like telephones and epithets at each other. The guy got in his car to drive away, but a cell phone bouncing off his paint job encouraged him to get out of the car and hurl a few more choice words in reply.
I asked one girl if everything was alright and she asked me to call the police - because her phone was broken. I just got my handy-dandy phone book today, so I looked up the non-emergency number, but went back to my balcony before I dialed. I asked her if she still wanted me to call, and she said her friend was already calling. She apologized profusely for the disturbance, and I said not to worry, but to holler if ever there was trouble because I'm always here studying at night.
Things have calmed down now. And now I know the number for the police.
caedmonstia said…
Well, Gee. Everyone seems to have a traumatic story to share and I feel a little left out. So let me think what I can come up with. Oh yeah, here's something: I think my turtle ran away. Actually, I hope that's the case because otherwise she's dead and rotting somewhere in my house and I have yet to find her. When I got a cat I started leaving the backdoor open all day so she could (if she felt so inclined, however unlikely the scenario) go outside to use the restroom. I forgot I had a turtle who was not used to having outside privileges and thus might abuse those privileges. Alas.
slowlane said…
See... the problem with throwing your phone is that then it is broken so you can't use it to call for help.

And maybe your turtle left because it was jealous that Chule could make bigger p**ps on the kitchen floor than he could.

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