The Friday Afternoon List

I'm putting together a list of things to do on Friday afternoon that look like work and could technically be called work, but isn't much like work.

So far I have:
1) Delete unnecessary emails from Outlook.
2) Write obvious plans in planner.
3) Check mailbox.
4) Sanitize computer keyboard and telephone.
5) Visit the water cooler.
6) Check for new emails to delete.
7) Change the picture on my desktop.
8) Straighten the pushpins in my walls.
9) Visit the snack area for possible new arrivals of cookies.
10) Clean mug.
11) Check mailbox.
12) Put sticky notes on things that I might forget to do on Monday.
13) Browse through the letters still to be answered and plan carefully for the best time to grab a selection so as to avoid the most trying and insure a good Friday next week.
14) Count letters already answered to maintain bragging rights.
15) Check mailbox.
16) Look for new emails.
17) Check for new emails.
18) Check for new emails.

So yeah. I need help. Not only have I not been able to make a list with a nice round number of options, but after finishing this list I still have another hour and a half before 5.


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