
In the last six years, I've gotten ten years younger. Or, in other words, right now I am younger than I was 10 and a half years ago.

You think that gives you a headache? Think how unnerving that is to me!

At 18, someone assumed I was over 30. As an 8th grader I was thought to be in college.

And now?

My dental hygenist (only five years older than me) comments that she thought I was much younger, and the dentist calls me "sweetie" like I am some four year old who got separated from my mother in the grocery store.

I was just about ready to write that off as something peculiar to that dental office, especially as the office manager also used a term of endearment with me, but then three cities over in an automotive repair shop, of all places, it happened again.

And it wasn't a withered grandfather type or creepy machista... it was the female service coordinator who was, perhaps, only ten years older than me.

"I'll be right with you, Sweetie."

What has happened with "Ma'am" or "Miss" or leaving off a title altogether?

I want to shout "I'm trying to be a responsible adult!" and stamp my foot. "Is it really that obvious?"


lasselanta said…
This makes so much sense! In exploring our new city, discovering the grocery stores and copy places and what not... I've experienced more than once that odd sensation that the person helping me thinks I'm in high school.
Anonymous said…
See, the thing of it is, is that you LOOK like a "Sweetie". The general public has finally perceived you correctly! Love, Mom (since I can't remember my blogger name, I'll just have to be anonymous)
I have had much the same experience. When I got married, I thought maybe the ring on my finger would help. It didn't. Then I got pregnant, and I thought maybe THEN they'd take me seriously. "See, see, I have a husband (see the ring?) and I'm PREGNANT - that means I'm a grown-up, ok?" But they didn't notice. Now that I have a baby on one hip and another in my rapidly expanding belly, I get the reaction: "Oh, sweetie, ANOTHER ONE???"

I think it just must be the curse of the babyface. :)

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