Coupon Crazy

I've developed a bad habit since moving out on my own.

You know that woman who is standing in front of the one item in the store you came to get? The one who is shuffling through her ragged envelope of coupons trying to find the one she just knows is in there somewhere?

That's me.

I might need to make it to a Couponaholics Anonymous meeting, but I'm not ready to become a recovering addict yet.

Who can blame me when my last receipt shows that I saved $14.18 on a total purchase of $25.37?

My favorite receipt (I'm looking for a frame 2.5 inches wide by 26 inches long) shows that I saved $59.50 on a purchase of $87.61. That's what 24 double coupons can do for you. Just imagine the face of the guy behind me when I whipped that stack out.

But I'm not one of those that will buy something just because she knows she's saving money. I'm smarter than that, let me tell you.

I got a coupon that offered $1.00 off a bag of fun-size Crunch bars. Who could resist, really. With the purchase of that great deal (and who can call it a purchase when, with the double coupons, I only paid 65 cents for a bag of chocolate?) I got a coupon for $1.00 off two bags of fun-size Crunch bars.

Not so good, I admit, but Halloween is approaching, and even though I be a grinch, I ought to be at least grudgingly prepared. So I got two bags of chocolate. And you'll never guess what I got with that purchase... a coupon for $1.00 off three bags of fun-size Crunch bars.

Ha! I'm smarter than to play that game any longer.

So I used a coupon to get a $3.99 package of Ghirardelli chocolates instead.


caedmonstia said…
Very inspiring. I am tempted to rush downstairs to the pile of adds and start clipping. Or maybe, rush to my car, drive to your house, and eat all your Giradelli's chocolate.

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