Where's the Burning Bush?

If any of you happen to see a burning bush, I think it's for me.

I've always considered myself to be somewhat slow of speech and lacking in oral skills. Once I dreamed that I woke up from a surgery to discover that my tongue had been amputated because of a horrible infection. I cried and cried, thinking how I never really appreciated my tongue while I had it. (Technically I did still have it because they had tied it to my hospital bed even though the smell was sickening.)

So, me, of the bumbling tongue, got an email from Ms Founder... you know the one who has spoken in front of crowds of thousands... the one that has spoken with presidents... the one who is heard by thousands around the world on daily radio broadcasts... that one.

She wants me to coach her on the pronunciation of a few words.

So I'm looking for the burning bush. But if you find it before I do, point it out to me. I'll be the one in the tiny cubicle mumbling everything I know about Spanish pronunciation.


Matthew Carroll said…
Be glad you're coaching her in pronunciation of Spanish and not spelling of Portuguese.

At our couples' small group, each was instructed to write on a slip of paper a loving act that his or her spouse would enjoy receiving as a gift.

I know my love enjoys "a foot massage" so I wrote that as it sounds in Portuguese, and put my slip of paper in the hat. The object of the game was that someone then drew a random slip of paper from the hat, and read it aloud, and if it was mine, then my wife was supposed to guess it was about her and identify herself.

Well, instead of writing Uma massagem no pé, I had written the following:
Uma massagem nu

This means, "A massage nude... foot."

Several other people were eager to guess it was about them, but my wife held her tongue.

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