
Our new office building will have all new furniture. That means we leave all that we have now behind.

Can you hear the circling vultures?

A co-worker wanders through and says "Anyone claimed that bookshelf yet?" "Um... no." "Good. If anyone asks, it's mine."

Or a casual conversation... "I really like that table. I'd like to have it." "Yeah, isn't it nice? I'm sure you could find one like it at Target or something." "No, I want that table."

Like the flags of Imperialism, names are staked on every bookshelf, lamp, and anything else that will make a decent transfer to a living room.

For some reason, it all seems so terribly disrespectful to be planning the appropriation and relocation of things we will still use every day for the next two months.

But maybe what I feel is just some weird backwards jealousy over the fact that no one has yet laid claim to my filing cabinet-sized desk nor my magic push-you-out-on-the-floor desk chair.


Matthew Carroll said…
Um. Can you dibs a good office chair for me? Mine wouldn't fit in my storage shed, so I gave it away to the guy who loaned me his truck.

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